This policy applies to all areas of the organization that provide women’s health care services and information to women.
The District recognizes that every individual has the fundamental right to choose or refuse birth control and that every woman has the fundamental right to choose or refuse to have an abortion, except as specifically limited by law. As a public hospital district which provides maternity care services and information to women, the District recognizes its obligation to also provide women otherwise eligible for maternity services with substantially equivalent benefits, services or information to permit them to voluntarily terminate their pregnancies. This policy also recognizes the rights of its employees and providers to refuse to participate in the performance of a voluntary abortion. This policy specifically addresses how the District will provide substantially equivalent benefits, services, or information to individuals who choose to voluntarily terminate their pregnancy.
Voluntary abortion: Voluntary termination of pregnancy.
Spontaneous abortion: ex., missed abortion, incomplete abortion, miscarriage management.
The District respects the right of employees of the District and providers to refuse to participate in a voluntary abortion and, therefore, no employee or provider will be required to participate in the performance of a voluntary abortion if he/she objects.
Spontaneous abortion, ex., missed abortion, incomplete abortion, miscarriage management may be necessary as an urgent or emergent procedure and is excluded from this policy.
If an individual decides to voluntarily terminate their pregnancy they will be provided with appropriate external and internal referrals to qualified providers, information and educational material to assist them to voluntarily terminate their pregnancy.
If an individual seeking to terminate their pregnancy is medically indigent, then the individual shall be referred to the Patient Financial Advocate, located in Patient Financial Services, who will assist the individual to obtain medical coverage such as Apple Health or a Qualified Health Plan (QHP). In situations where appropriate primary payment sources are not available, patients will be considered for financial assistance.